Thursday 31 October 2019

Day #44: See you soon!

This is the last entry of this blog - at least on such a regular basis. Maybe in future courses I will find things worth sharing - hopefully!

I have gone through lots of videos, articles and blogs to create my own. First posts were more about my opinion, but since the content got more technical, more references were needed. I think I developed a good combination of short news, fun facts and videos, so that any frequent reader could find something interesting here. 

The topics I have tried to cover were:
  • Digitization, digitalization and digital transformation. 
  • Project, program and portfolio management.
  • Gender equality in PM
  • Benefits Realization Management
  • Experiences from the real world of PM
  • Inspiring talks from experts in related fields
  • Information and spreading of PMI
I hope you could see that throughout the reading. Have a nice autumn!

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