Tuesday 10 September 2019

Day #7: Adding value to your company

Value is a very polysemic word. Companies have core values, products have some value... and employees can add value. Actually, that is one of the most common questions asked in work interviews: "Why should we hire you?", "What can you bring to the company?". 

Resultado de imagen de job interview
Picture from forbes.com

The most valuable asset for companies are the employees. Businesses succeed because companies try to find, hire and keep the best person for a certain role: someone talented which will add value to the organization. 

Sometimes you have an answer ready for the "value-question" in the job interview, but once you start working it is difficult to find your own way to create and add value, especially if your tasks are boring or repetitive, or even worse, they are not very clear. However, there are always ways: showing initiative, being good at teamwork or keeping your skills up to date. 

One can read that this "adding-value-stuff" is about collecting merits for career advancement or promotion, but I believe that it is much more important than that. It is about feeling that you are doing your best and you have a sense of commitment with a project, your work in this case. 

Anyway, for further reading about this topic:

How to Add Value to Your Company & Contribute to Your Team
5 Reasons Why (and How) to Add Value to Your Employer
Fifteen Ways to Show Your Value at Work

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