Monday 2 September 2019

Day #1: Why writing a blog about Project Management?

A couple of hours ago I hadn't believed that I would be writing a blog about Project Management. As a first year student of a Masters Programme in IT Project Planning, this is my first contact with the Project Management world. But I guess that, after a few sentences, I should already start using PM instead of those looooong words. That's a first step. 

Anyway, the goal of this blog is to share the beginning of my journey with news, reflections or comments about PM in general, and the IT world in particular. The pace is intended to be one entry a day, which is challeging for a person like me. But let's keep our fingers crossed!

To begin with, I would like to share the existence of one institution that I found reading through the course literature: the Project Management Institute (PMI). They define themselves as "the world's leading association for those who consider project, program or portfolio management their profession". 

I found that interesting because when studying engineering at university, I always thought that professional associations depended on the university major. In my case, electrical engineering, but also other fields within engineering, medical doctors, lawyers... 

However, PM is something that comes later in life, maybe after a Bachelor program, or even later during your professional life. That is at least my perspective. That's why I find interesting that the PMI intends to include anyone who considers management as their main role, regardless of their original background. And that is nice, because one engineer who has evolved to project manager may have more in common with other people in the PM world than with fellow university mates. 

Nice to meet you, PMI, and since your publications will be used during my courses,  I suspect it won't be the last time I mention you...

Resultado de imagen de pmi
Picture originally from

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