Tuesday 22 October 2019

Day #37: 130 Top Project Management Influencers of 2019

It looks like this week is all about rankings! Today we bring a list of 130 Top Management Influencers of 2019, from the expert website The Digital Project Manager. According to them, this list includes the brightest minds and influential thinkers who are shaping the PM industry today. 

In my opinion, a list like this is too long. Do we really need to keep track of 130 brilliant mind each year? However, it can be good to keep as a reference and tool for future investigation in the field. For example, it was nice to find Jennifer Bridges in the 12th place. She is the director of ProjectManager.com, whose videos I have shared a couple of times in this blog.

But even nicer for me was to find Carlos J. Pampliega, from Spain, in the list. Actually in the 6th place! One tends to think that this kind of new sectors mostly appear in the US, yet there are powerful thinkers from all around the world and at local scales.

Resultado de imagen de ranking
Long rankings are a bit too much, but there is always valuable information in them. Image from universityintheusa.com

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