Thursday 24 October 2019

Day #39: 7 Things Project Managers Should Do Every Quarter

Some weeks ago, I found this interesting article, 7 Things Project Managers Should Do Every Quarter. I liked it because the beginning is very captivating. It talks about how members of choirs learn by repetition, even if they are not extremely accomplished musicians. This method works for PM as well: there are some activities that should be repeated to achieve harmony in the management routine. Here they are:

1. Tend your email: answer, forward or delete... at least two thirds can be deleted!
2. Update yourself on the project's status
3. Learn from our successes or failures
4. Don't hide from problems
5. De-clutter your personal space: a cluttered desk is the sign of an organized mind? Not true!
6. Communicate with everyone
7. Show appreciation

I think that everybody, not only project managers, can make use of the advice!

Resultado de imagen de cluttered desk
Not a sign of genius... Image from

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