Thursday 19 September 2019

Day #14: BRM, ORBIT and Thai cows

I'm bringing to stage today another example of implementation or framework realization of BRM, in this case applied to the dairy mil industry in Thailand. The reason behind using BRM techniques to challenging projects is always the same: it is not enough to measure projects in terms of, for example, successful deployment, yet in terms of gained benefit of having such project working. 

In this paper, ICT benefit realization for dairy farm management: Challenges and future direction, the field is the dairy milk industry in Thailand, which has a very limited database system to satisfy the needs of the authorities. However, a more advanced ICT project would help to transform basic information records into a disease prevention control program, for example, or have an impact in decisions related to feeding or mating. 

The authors propose an "ICT Benefit Realization Framework designed for non-IT users" under the name of ORBIT: Operation of Realizing Benefit in Information Technology. It includes milestones, activities and stakeholders involved in four phases: planning, realization, exploration and evaluation. The first phase, planning, is applied and the results explained, leaving farmers and other people involved ready to start the realization phase. 

The paper is easy to follow, well structured and full of nice and instructive images. Besides, it takes us closer to a new world... no, not BRM, but Thai dairy industry!

Image result for cow
Cow from

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