Friday 20 September 2019

Day #15: Why the secret of success is setting the right goals

We have talked a lot about the difference between deliverable products and benefits, outputs and outcomes. There is a difference between those, yet the common feeling is that we, as a company, team, or person, want to succeed. 

This TED Talk named Why the secret to success is setting the right goals is about how to succeed by choosing right objectives. John Doerr, an Americna investor and venture capitalist, presents a goal-setting system named OKRs which he has been developing and working with since the 80s. OKRs stands for Objective and Key Results, i.e. what we want to be accomplished and how we are going to do it. 

He uses Bono, Google and young entrepreneurs as an example of how objectives should be significant, action-oriented, and inspiring; and what can be achieved when we stick to them. It is an invitation for all of us to set goals not only in our professional lives, but also in the personal sphere. 

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