Monday 7 October 2019

Day #26: Portofolio Management and Japanese renewable energy

As we have mentioned many times, the PMI is not only the main association in the PM world, but also a very useful source to keep ourselves informed. 

In particular, there are interesting news regarding portfolio management. For example this piece of news, Sustainable Change, which talks about how the Japanese energy industry changed after Fukushima. The author, Rajeev Supekar, has managed renewable energy projects in Japan for years. He explains the factors that helped a whole country to embrace the disruption and use it to make a transition towards renewable energies. 

Now that energy and climate are in the centre of all discourses, it can be a good idea to take Japan as an example. Besides, articles like this can help us understand the transversality of portfolio management. 

Resultado de imagen de renewable energy
Image from

Note that many articles from PMI can be accessed just by creating a free account at PMI website, without getting a full membership!

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