Tuesday 8 October 2019

Day #27: What the Heck is Project Portfolio Management?

The title may sound a bit harsh, but sometimes that is the feeling we have when going through the bibliography. So today's post is a webinar which explains what Project Portfolio Management is. The author is Jamal Moustafaev, president and founder of Thinktank Consulting and a well-known speaker and author of several books about PM. 

The webinar may be a bit long compared to other videos that I have been sharing, but that is because it is full of content. I particularly like the amount of examples he shows from around the world. I think they really help to gain a better understanding. 

First ten minutes of the webinar

As a bonus, I really recommend the website where this webinar is available. I found the video on Youtube, where the first ten minutes of the talk can be seen. But the website is called The Great IT Professional, and it is full of interesting and useful webinars. Some of them are more technical whereas others are more about leadership. In any case, they are worth checking!

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